
New Adventures in Old Tea

There's this tea that Aveda salons carry that I love, called Thé Tea. It has this interesting after-sweetness that is great because then I don't add sugar. The only downside is that it costs $15/20 tea bags, so I usually just get it from my aunt for Christmas. Last night I was buzzing around the internet and found a recipe for it and decided to try it. Thankfully the local health food store has a pretty nice selection of dried herbs, and had everything I needed.

1 1/4 cup powdered licorice root
1 cup peppermint
1/8 cup fennel powder
1/8 cup basil (I used sweet basil, but I can only imagine it works with both)

The whole set up cost me less than $5, and it tastes exactly the same. My only problem was that since the licorice root and fennel were powdered, a tea ball wouldn't be of much use, so I sewed up a nice little drawstring teabag for myself. I think it'll be a pretty rare day that I purchase teabags again. I got a cup of peppermint for about $0.40, and since mint and this tea are my favourite and pretty much all I drink, I might as well just buy the straight herbs. Plus, I can make up my own teas! How fun!

Isn't my teabag fashionable?

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