
Things I Can Talk Voluably About for Extended Periods of Time, But That Only Have a Limited Audience

In no particular order:

-The dairy industry
-Raw milk, specifically
-Chris Thile
-The process, science, and history behind wool felting
-Tiny houses
-Straw bale construction
-Composting toilets
-Food policy
-L.M. Montgomery
-Louisa May Alcott
-John Green
-Edible gardening/landscaping
-Herbal remedies
-Public radio
-Saturday Night Live
-Arrested Development
-Bread baking methods
-Various oddities of various animals
-Natural history and art museums
-US Education policy and it's deep, deep flaws
-Montessori/Waldorf education
-YA fiction
-The Dewey Decimal System

This is absurd.